Push Press 5x5
Standing Dumbbell Press 4x10
Lateral Raises 4x20
5 partial reps at bottom
5 full reps
5 partial reps at top
5 full reps
Dumbbell Lateral Raises 4x12, 10, 10, 8
Dumbbell Front Raise 4x12, 10, 10, 8
Horizontal Shrugs 4x10
Box Jumps 5x5
Step Ups 5x5
Box Squats 5x5
Full Extension Squats 5x5
Top ½ Deadlifts 5x5
Deadlifts Off of a Box 5x5
Sumo Squats 4x10
500 meter row
Pullups 4x10
Underhand Close Grip Pulldowns 4x10, 8, 8, 6
Wide Grip Pulldowns 4xFailure
1 Arm Rows 4x10, 8, 8, 6
Seated Cable Rows 4x12
Chest & Shoulders
Bench Press 5x5
Dumbbell Incline Press 4x12, 10, 8, 6
Dumbbell Upright Row 4xAMRAP with same weight as Presses
Dumbbell Press 4x8, 8, 6, 4
Dumbbell Arnold Press 4x8, 8, 6, 4
Pushups 3xFailure
Barbell Curls 5x5
EZ Bar Curls 4x28
7 partial reps at bottom
7 full reps
7 partial reps at top
7 full reps
Lying EZ Bar Extensions 4x10
Dumbbell Seated Curls 4x12
Overhead Dumbbell Extensions 4x10
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 4x12
Dips 4xFailure