Box Jumps 5x5
Step Ups 5x5
Seated Extensions 2x30
Leg Press 2x30
Seated Curls 2x30
Walking Lunges 30
(Medium Weight)
Back Squats superset with Pull Ups
As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 minutes with 1 minute of rest in between rounds
1 round= 3 squats, 3 pull ups, 6 squats, 6 pull ups, 9 squats, and 9 pull ups
Chest & Shoulders
BB Bench Press 5x5
BB Push Press 5x5
Flat DB Press 4x12
Incline DB Press 4x10
Lat Raises 4x12
Flat DB Flies 4x10
Incline Prone DB Flies 4x8
Pushups 4xFailure
Cardio Haters' HIIT
(Body Weight)
Bulgarian Split Squats superset with Dips
As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 minutes with 1 minute of rest in between rounds
1 round= 5 squats, 5 dips, 10 squats, 10 dips, 15 squats, and 15 dips
Back & Arms
WG Lat Pulldowns 4x12
BB Curls 4x10
Seated Cable Rows 4x12, 10, 10, 8
DB Tricep Extensions 4x10
1 Arm DB Rows 4x12, 10, 10, 8
DB Hammer Curls 4x10
Dips 4xFailure
500 meter row
(Heavy Weight)
Deadlift superset with Military Press
As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 minutes with 1 minute of rest in between rounds
1 round= 1 deadlift, 1 press, 3 deadlifts, 3 presses, 5 deadlifts, and 5 presses