Click the link above for this week's Spotify playlist.
Warm Up
Breathe. Seriously. Just breathe. Pay attention to your breath. Inhale through your nose. Exhale through your mouth. Continue breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Breathe in slowly and deeply. When you reach the top of your breath, exhale slowly through your mouth. Press your belly button into your spin as you exhale. Again, inhale through your nose, hold, exhale through your mouth keeping your core tight. Pay attention to the warmth in your belly. Inhale through your nose, hold for 3-2-1, exhale slowly from 5-4-3-2-1. Inhale through your nose, hold for 5-4-3-2-1, exhale slowly for 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.
Hip Hinge
Stand straight with a slight bend in your knees
Take a deep inhale
When you reach the top of your breath, slowly bend forward at the waist keeping a straight spine
Slowly exhale, pressing your belly button into your spine as your lower your upper body
Stop when your chest is parallel with the floor
Feel the stretch in your hamstrings
Let your arms hang at your sides for a moment
Ground yourself through your heels
Slowly return to the starting position as you inhale
Repeat 5x
Good Morning-Squat Stretch
Stand up straight
Bend at your hips
Reach to your toes
Squat while holding your toes
Straighten your legs focusing stretching your hamstrings
Slowly raise your torso to the original standing position
Roll your shoulders backward
Repeat circuit 5x
Get into a quadruped position-this is just a fancy way of saying "on all fours"
Make sure your knees are aligned with your hips and wrists are under your shoulders
As you inhale, arch your lower back and hips up and back and your neck and head towards the ceiling
Keep your core tight as you exhale, tuck your tailbone in, dropping your head to look towards your belly button, and arch your back like a scared cat
Repeat 5x
PSL 30 Minute Workout
Each circuit is 40 Seconds of Work with 20 Seconds of Rest for 10 minutes
"P" Circuit
A. Plank - 40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
B. Right Side Plank - 40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
C. Left Side Plank - 40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
D. Bear Plank - 40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
E. Pushups - 40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
Repeat for 10 minutes
"S" Circuit
A. Squats - 40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
B. Sumo Squats - 40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
C. Split Squat (Right) - 40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
D. Split Squat (Left) - 40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
E. Squat Hold - 40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
Repeat for 10 minutes
"L" Circuit
A. Forward Lunge (Right) - 40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
B. Forward Lunge (Left) - 40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
C. Reverse Lunge (Right) - 40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
D. Reverse Lunge (Left) - 40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
E. Alternating Lunges - 40 seconds
Rest 20 seconds
Repeat for 10 minutes
As many reps as possible with perfect form for 1 minute without rest
1 Push Up
1 Squat
2 Lunges (Right and then Left)
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