I had a lot of life changes in 2012. Some of them sucked but as cheesy as it sounds, I am grateful for all of my shitty life experiences.
If I have ever made you laugh, you should be too because my bad choices have created a plethora of comedic material.
Why 2012 Was A-THE-EFF-MAZ-ING
(In no particular order)
- I moved from Minnesota to Pennsylvania pretty much by myself.
- I started lifting weights and have pretty much become a badass.
- I worked the Egg Whites International booth at the 2012 Arnold Sports Expo.
- I finally graduated from the University of Minnesota.
- I adopted a cat who taught me how to be a little more responsible, a little less self-centered, and love unconditionally. (Future boyfriends, you're welcome.) She passed away in April but I really do think that we improved each other's lives.
- I started this blog which has been one of the most cathartic experiences of my life.
- My family and I watched all of the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Harry Potter movies.
- I came to terms with the fact that my shitty decisions created the majority of my (...and my family's) stress and am moving on.
Why 2013 is the Year of Me
1. This time last year, I was resolving the shit out of my life. My goals had goals! Guess how many of my goals I achieved... None! Not a single one because they were not realistic. 2012 was definitely not a failure because I didn't attain my unattainable goals. I had an amazing year and probably would have regardless of what was on my vision board.
2. Looking back, the goals I made last year weren't even things I wanted to do. They were things other people expected me to do. So, in 2013 I plan on doing nothing other people want me to do and everything I want to do. Yep, I am being selfish as hell in 2013 because I have missed too many opportunities being worried about what other people were going to think and I am over it.
3. This year, I would like to do the Spartan Trifecta, a GO RUCK Challenge, compete in figure in the NPC Atlantic States, take MMA lessons, and start an MSW/MPH program. But, if those things don't happen, it's not a big deal. There might be other opportunities that trump those.
My only goal is to become a smarter, stronger, and healthier me.
HIIT at Home
Here is a workout for all you who are resolving to get fit in 2013 but will be too hungover tomorrow to actually make it to the gym.
10 Burpees, Pushups, and Squats
8 Burpees, Pushups, and Squats
6 Burpess, Pushups, and Squats
4 Burpess, Pushups, and Squats
2 Burpees, Pushups, and Squats
Happy New Year!